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Arrival of cabinets

This blog chronicles my entire kitchen renovation from start to finish. Greentea Design has provided me with their solid wood kitchen cabinets, and I'm taking care of the rest.

If you'd like to be brought up to date, check out the archive in the sidebar for previous posts. I posted recently about the flooring, and now.....the cabinets have arrived!!!

I was sooooooooo excited for the day the cabinets were to arrive. Since Greentea Design is based in Toronto, I had only seen the cabinets on their website, and got a tiny sample (about 3 inches) sent to me in the mail to help with my countertop selection. Friday was the day....and it turned out to be bright and early. There was a bit of chaos early that morning as I scrambled to get some extra hands out to my house ASAP to help me unload the truck, but was quickly forgotten once I got a glimpse of the cabinets. The unloading only took about 20 minutes (once they got a system going it was easy peasy). I wasn't able to take photos of them being unloaded because it was raining that day. The first photo I managed to take was of all the cabinets stacked in the living room.

The cabinets were left there for the majority of the day because I wanted to get the walls and ceiling painted before getting the cabinets in place (turns out the walls weren't ready and needed more sanding - but we found this out after 3 coats of paint and after the electrician got the potlights working). For several hours the cats had a ball climbing all over them.

WOW - they were packed so carefully. I worked for moving companies for a few summers during my university years and I have never seen anything packed like that. For each cabinet there was styrofoam on the corners, then a box that wrapped all the way around, then moving blankets wrapped and taped (with perfect corners, like how us women wrap presents), and then shrink-wrapped. It was like Christmas morning unwrapping each piece. And not a scratch or mark on any piece. What a relief!

All of the cabinets were ready to go once unwrapped - the base cabinets had their sliding doors wrapped in foam and were placed inside along with the shelves, and the uppers had their shelves wrapped and placed inside also. So all we had to do carry them into the kitchen, place them against the wall and VOILA! Instant kitchen! It was literally that easy. Well, the uppers needed installing of course but because Greentea's cabinets are freestanding, there is really no installation required. My boyfriend and I had no problems moving each piece into place. While the cabinets are not made from extremely dense wood, they were not as heavy as we expected them to be. On that note, they are VERY sturdy and their sturdiness made them very easy to handle.

Here are the first pieces we unwrapped, the pantry. Sorry the lighting is poor but it was into the evening before we were able to get to this stage.

Then we unwrapped the base cabinets and put them in their new homes. (I would typically ensure the drawers were closed before snapping photos but Phoebe had climbed into a drawer and I gave up trying to get her out).

There are the uppers - I considered glass doors but I'm REALLY happy I went with this style to match the lowers. And I can put anything in them and not worry about it having to look nice.

And this is the beginnings of my new kitchen. *huge smile*

There has been some progress since that last photo - but I'll save that for next time.


I can see now how lovely this is goingn to be. Think the cabinets look very nice with the color choice for flooring. Love the ceiling lights. You must be very pleased.
enjoy it very much..
kitchen is the heart of home..
I wish you many happy meal preps and sharing..
wow, what gorgeous cabinets!
WOW, I wasn't sure about the choice of grey for the floors when I saw your last post Kim, but in that final photo, with the cabinets in and the lights on, it looks exquisit! I can totally see where this is headed, and it's going to look FANTASTIC! Greentea's cabinets are sooo beautiful. Goooorgeous!
They are amazing and have such beautiful details! Wow- I'm shocked. Congrats! How fun for you!!
What a change already - can't wait to see the finished kitchen. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing the whole process with us. --Tara
Those grey floors look awesome. It looks like it kind of disguises the planks though, making it look like a solid surface like concrete or something.
Those cabinets are so lovely! Your kitchen is really shaping up! Gorgeous. Love the floors.
After all your hair tearing out and angst this is finally looking like the dream kitchen it was always going to be. It's great to see Greentea's wonderful and unique cabinets in a situation unlike the more traditional looks on their website. This is great Kim!
great contrast. Cant wait
The cabinets are amazing, prettiest kitchen cabinets I've ever seen!
I love hearing that you all love my cabinets too! Wish you could all come see them in person. The photos don't so them justice.

Nicholas, the floor paint didn't hide the outlines of the planks. I think it's the lights shining on the floors in the photos that make it less obvious.

This is definitively going to be my dream kitchen, or close to it. Now I may never want to sell this house.
Oh, wow! I love that even the ends of the cabinets are finished with such great detail.

Things really are shaping up and looking beautiful! How exciting to be getting closer and closer to completion!
those are the most beautiful cabinets I have ever seen....and I have seen a lot!

I have never seen anything like that quality for a kitchen cabinet!
Courtney - aren't the finished sides AMAZING?? That will be perfect since the side of the one cabinet faces right into the living room.

nikol - I'm with you there!
Wow! They're gorgeous. Each one is like a little piece of furniture!
Mike here from Greentea again.

Glad to see the project shaping up so nicely.

Thought I'd jump in and mention that they are indeed peices of furniture more then cabinets in the traditional North American sense. They're completely free standing, so if Kim wanted to take them along to a new home she could easily take them out.

In the store we've recently rearranged the kitchen a bit. Moved the island around since it wasn't fixed in place.

Obviously if you put in a sink and plumbing or other things like that it makes matters a bit more difficult as far as moving pieces around.

Can't wait to see the appliances and counters in there. :)
Hi Kim

Wow you had there a super awesome and beautifully made kitchen. I love it so much.I like it but only to aspire...someday that my kitchen will be like that also. Just bloghopping here,...
Kim!!!! WOW!!! I've been following the progress of your kitchen in silence, admiring your endeavor. I'm loving it. Those cabinets are amazing and I love the mix you're creating. it is stunning. Congrats. Can't wait to see it finished.
Kim it looks beautiful. The cabinets look amazing in that space. How exciting.
Thanks Filipina-LoveStories, Sik and Melanie!

As Mike said, I'm seriously considering taking all the cabinets with me when I sell this house - because it's totally doable as they are essentially pieces of furniture. At the very least I'd take the pantry unit because it would make for a beautiful armoire anywhere in my next home.
Mike....I think you may be on to something here...
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